Thursday 18 August 2011


I have discovered a great site - Pinterest.  What a lifesaver- now I have something 'creative' to do when I can't sleep at night due to my RLS!  You should check it out!!

Saturday 13 August 2011

What a Busy Day

This morning I got up early (who am I kidding, I was up as I'm still not sleeping) and treated myself to a Market Breakfast because I knew what kind of day was ahead of me.  In no particular order here are the tasks I completed today:
- scoured both bathrooms
- made pancakes
- dry swiffered the stairs and then wet swiffered the stairs
- scoured kitchen sink
- crushed 2 months worth of cardboard boxes for the recycling
- folded two baskets of clean laundry
- did two loads of wash
- made supper
- changed sheets in master bedroom
- tidied guest room

All at 7 months pregnant!!

Needless to say I'm pooped- so Stefan has been left to assemble the baby change table himself!

Saturday 30 July 2011

Week #30

I have entered week #30 of my pregnancy!  The finish line is in sight- YAHOO!
I will be so glad to deliver my little boy and have the negative side effects of my pregnancy over with!!  I do not think I will ever understand those women who 'love being pregnant' and find pregnancy 'lovely'.  I honestly think there is something slightly off balance with their brains. How much pain they must be in whilst not pregnant to make them feel so 'happy and fulfilled' for 40 or so weeks.
I honestly felt/feel sick/bloated/constipated/exhausted/fat/anger/boredom/restricted.... well perhaps I should turn over a positive leaf.   I only have 10 weeks left (give or take 1 or 2)!!!!

Friday 29 July 2011

Unexpectant Turn of Events

I have found myself well past midnight and with RLS... again.
Let us begin at the beginning:
Spent a great afternoon in the country with the parents and Bmer.  They had Stefan and I for supper- at great homemade soup!!  Hubby and I were going to go into "town" for a bonfire hosted by friends of ours, leave Bmer with the 'rents and pick him up later.
Hubby and I were out enjoying ourselves at said bonfire when a wave of morning sickness (it was past 9pm) hit me like a ton of bricks.  Let the dry heaving begin.  We left the bonfire in a hurry- as to not embarass myself by puking in the bushes, and went on our way to pick up the four legged furry babe.
I was so weak and sick by the time we reached the country I stated I was staying at the 'rents for the night and hubby could do whatever he wished with his sleeping arrangements (ie: go back to the fire and then home) as long as he picked me up in the A.M.  The plan was set.

The only thing missing is the sleep I've been accustomed to the last couple of nights.  Hubby suggested I try Rub A5-35 on my legs before hitting the hay- IT WORKED.  The burning sensation overpowered the RLS and sleep was to be found.  I would apply the cream before bed, sleep for a solid 4 hours, wake up, apply a second coat, take a Tylenol for good measure- and bam- another solid 4-5 hours.   Sadly in the country there is no Rub A5-35 to be had, and another late night post when I would rather be sleeping beauty.

Sunday 24 July 2011

Pardon my Restlessness

Another sleepless night....

One a side note- I'm watching America's Got  Talent, and just saw a young lady named Dani singing.  Nothing out of the ordinary there- but upon my second look she, yes SHE, has the old Justin Bieber haircut.  YIKES!!
She even looks like him- since when did this 'androgenous' look come into style.  Not looking 100% male- but not 100% female either... now I'll never sleep- this Dani chick has scared the day lights out of me.

I digress...

Wishing I had of purchased Glee Season 2 Part 1 today- then I'd at least be entertained while being awake all night.  I took 2 extra strength Tylenol about 20 minutes ago- but I am afraid I may have become immune.  Need something stronger!!!

What else can I mindlessly blog about in my sleepless stupor... Oh yes!  While getting into bed (which I am now out of, and on the couch), hubby and I heard barking.  Turns out it was a coyote pup.   We turned out the bedroom light and watched it howl for a while.  After the howling stopped, a neighbor went outside with a flashlight and golf club.  Not sure what he was hoping to accomplish since he clearly waited until the coyote was gone.  No wonder he owns a Rottie- his only defense is a golf club.

Saturday 23 July 2011

Stationary Junkie

I have discovered several amazing blogs regarding stationary/organizers/pens/notebooks and general office supplies on LiveJournal and Blogspot.

I am so happy that I am not the only stationary junkie out there - thank goodness for the internet!!

Thursday 21 July 2011


I actually slept last night- all through the night!
First time in about a week and a half!!!   My RLS is still present, but much milder.
I'm taking one Tylenol before bed and it seems to be doing the trick!