Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Evil 6 letter word- B U D G E T

I've been off on Short Term Disability (STD) since June- due to pregnancy related issues.
I'll start my maternity leave once the baby is born- what does all of this mean?  Less money- $834 less a month to be exact.  Hence, the scary word B U D G E T comes into my vocabulary.
Also- why do all things go wrong once one is making less money: ie- my car needs several hundred dollars worth of work done, so does Hubby's car, oh right... and we have a baby that will apparently need diapers.

Oh me oh my-  how I love to complain.  Better to complain to you dear readers then stress out my hubby more than he is, and I think my doggie is getting tired of my negativity.


1 comment:

  1. You'll survive! Even with your pay cut you probably still bring in more than Hubby & I ;)
    Talk to Sarah W. about budgeting, she's a whiz!
